Adsense can be like the Golden Child we all dream of having. It will mind our every wish and will try hard to meet our every expectation.
On the other hand, it can be like the red-headed rebel step child all of us fear. It won’t behave at all, sending us such un-relevant, low paying ads that we wonder if it’s not some bad joke someone is playing on us.
Before you undertake any Adsense tweaking in your Blog, make sure you know how to add your Adsense Publisher ID to your Adsense Ready Wordpress Theme if you’re using one.
Well, I’m not Nanny 911, but I’ve had a few of those unruly Adsense children. Heare are a few tips to make that misbehaving Adsense child of yours behave. Follow along.
1. Make Your Site ‘Adsense Friendly’ - Your site design can play a big part in the way your Adsense ads behave. Just as with any small child, keep things that you don’t want Adsense to play with out of reach. Don’t go putting images that have nothing to do with our content near Adsense ads. The same goes with unrelated text. You don’t want Adsense reading garbage. Only related content, images and other files should be near your Adsense baby.
2. Make a Section for Adsense To Play In – Try and restrict where Adsense plays. You wouldn’t want you baby wandering all over the house and you don’t want Adsense wandering all over your site. Use ‘Target Sectioning’ to control Adsense if it’s throwing some goofball ads back.
Section targeting consist of using some HTML tags to “section off” areas of content you want your Adsense to read and pull relevant ads from. Google says they can’t guarantee that the Adsense ads show will be relevant if you use ’section targeting’, but if Adsense is not showing relevant ads already, you have little to lose by using ’section targeting’.
You use section targeting by picking some content and using the HTML tags to “suggest” to your Adsense ads to pick the relevant information for the contextual ads from this ’section of content’ you’ve chosen. Make sure it’s a section with lots of content. Don’t try to ‘target section’ just a paragraph or two.
Use the following code to ‘target section’.
<!– google_ad_section_start –>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
Obviously, the <!– google_ad_section_start –> goes at the start of the section you want to target and the <!– google_ad_section_end –> goes at the end.
The code for your Adsense page might look something like this:
<html><head><title>Section Targeting My Content to get Adsense’s Attention</title></head>
<!– google_ad_section_start –>
This is a section of content in my new spiffy blog. This is a section of content that I want Google Adsense to pull contextual ads from. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
You can also tell Google Adsense what areas YOU DO NOT want to be read by Adsense by using(weight=ignore) in the starting tag, like this;
<!– google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) –>
Google says it may take 1 to 2 weeks for ads from the sectioned areas to show up, so be patient. Remember, the don’t guarantee nothing!
3. Other tricks to reign in an unruly Adsense chid – Use title tags in all your links.
* Add title tags to your links – The title tags go into your link structure like this <a href=”” mce_href=”” title=”this is the title area”>My Spiffy New Blog</a>
* Add title tags to your images – Be sure to add a relevant title to your images like this <img src=”piconmyspiffyblog.jpg” title=”relevant info goes here”>. Adsense sometimes uses this title to decide what ads to show. Adding a relevant title to your images will also help SEO your page.
I have a 7 year old Real Estate site as the website for my B&M business. On some of the pages I could never get Adsense to show ads that were relevant to the content on the pages until I changed my title tags on links.
On a few rare occassions, Adsense actually followed and read the title of the page where the link was pointed!
Here are more Adsense tips:
* Use descriptive <Heading> tags - You should also carefully consider what is inside your <H1>, <H2> and <H3> tags. Adsense will sometimes pull info from there as well.
* Use relevant names for your images - Another area I’ve seen Adsense use to pull information from is the names of images. I always try to make sure that my images have names that reflect the content on the page. If I have a web page on Big Blue Widgets, then any image I might have will probably have names with ‘blue’, ‘big’ and ‘widgets’ in them.
* Use descriptive Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions – I’ve also seen Adsense pull information from your <meta keywords> and <meta description>, so make sure both of those tags, (generally located in a header.php file if you’re running a blog, or at the top of an HTML page), reflect information about the content page and information you want Adsense to pull ads from.
* Use Bold and Italics for relevant keywords – If you’re still not getting the results you want, try Bolding and Italicizing keywords inside the ’section targeted’ area.
There’s only so much we can do with Adsense if it doesn’t want to behave. There are coding tricks to use that will force Adsense to display very specific ads, but messing with the Adsense code is against the TOS and can get your account banned so I’ll not even post those here.
The above tricks and tactics have made my Adsense Ads show relevant ads about 98% of the time. That’s about as close as I can hope with any contextual advertising, so I’ll take it.
Remember, you don’t have to put up with Adsense ads that misbehave. These tricks above should get them walking the line. Just give it a week or two and you should be fine!
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Sunday, April 25
Is Adsense Still A Good Choice To Monetize Blogs? :
For many new bloggers, they invision having a custom made blog theme all decked out with the latest colors and graphics with the coolest plugins and a RSS subscriber base numbering in the 5 digits. Many also imagine raking in thousands of dollars per month by monetizing a blog with Adsense.
These illusions are quickly shattered when they see their Adsense accounts with .05 and .20 cents per click and a CTR of 1%. It doesn’t take the newbie blogger long to realize that their dream of living of off Adsense income isn’t a reality.
Is Adsense Still a Good Choice For Monetizing Blogs?
The quick and easy answer is Yes and No. In order for Adsense to be a viable option to monetize a blog, you need large amounts of traffic. And not any old traffic will work!
Many bloggers love to talk about Social Media and they spend a good amount of time writing articles and submitting them to the popular Social Networks like Digg and StumbleUpon in order to bring the masses of Social Networkers to their site. While this may increase traffic to a blog, it rarely translates into clicks on their Adsense ads.
Why Social Traffic Isn’t Good For Adsense
If you’re one of these bloggers who’s chasing traffic from Social sites and still wondering why your Adsense account is empty, listen up, I’m fixing to let you in on a little secret.
Social traffic doesn’t convert for squat. Of course, you already knew that didn’t you!
Because people who use the Social networks are pretty ‘Net savvy and they don’t click ads. They read blogs more for entertainment purposes than they do for the informational value. Sure, they may read a post about whether or not Adsense is still a good choice for monetizing blogs, but if there’s an Ad block on how to monetize a blog with Adsense next to the post, they aren’t likely to click on it.
Another reason Adsense is a poor choice for Social blogs is because the Click Through Rate (CTR) will be in the dumps. This will cause your Adsense ads to be Smart Priced.
This is how it works. Google Adsense works of off the principle that a targeted Internet searcher is more valuable to the advertisers than a browser just clicking around the Internet.
So when your Social Network browser comes to your site, Google does not consider this a targeted user. If the advertiser is paying $2 per click, and a Social Network user comes to your Social blog about making money on the Internet and actually does click on a Adsense ad, you’ll receive a lower per click price than if that user had went to Google and typed in “how to make money online” and came to your blog and clicked an Adsense ad about ‘how to make money online’. Google considers this targeted traffic and will pay you the most for this type of Internet users.
Why Organic Traffic Pays Off With Adsense
Stop and think about this one for a minute. When an Internet user is searching for some knowledge, they want it and they want it yesterday! Many of us will not stop searching the Internet until we find the useful information we need. We’ll click on this or that, we’re frantic searchers and we need that information!
Let’s say you’re bills are piling up because gas is at $4 a gallon and food prices are skyrocketing. You need some debt relief. So you go on over to Google and type in ‘debt relief’. You then click on the first result that promises you quick and painless debt relief. After you browse the site for a few minutes, you realize this site can not answer your questions and you’ll have to go elsewhere. There’s an Adsense ad block to the upper left with an add about instant debt relief. Hmmm, that’s just what you need right now, instant debt relief.
What do you do?
Click the Adsense ad promising instant debt relief or hit the back button a half dozen times to get back to the Google SERPS page?
Yeah, me too. I’ll hit the Adsense link every time if it will lead me to what I’m looking for.
And you know what?
The Webmaster or blog owner gets the maximum payout for your click because you found his site by searching for the term ‘debt relief’.
If I had gone to his site looking for ‘Ways To Make Money Online”and then clicked the same ad, chances are good he would not have received the maximum payout for that click. That’s why you’ll see some of your Adsense ads paying out .20 cents for one click and the next it gives you $2. It’s all about how the Internet user got to your site.
So What Type Of Blogs Are Best For Adsense?
It’s not really what type of blog is best for Adsense, the question should be “What type of traffic is best for Adsense?”
And that question is an easy one to answer. It’s organic search traffic. Plain and simple.
Now having said that, you’ll see that many of the so called Social media blogs do not rank well for anything of value.
Ever see John Chow or some of the other popular social bloggers rank in the top 10 for terms like “how to make money with Adsense?”No, you don’t. That’s one of the biggest reasons you don’t see Adsense on their sites. They can’t bring in the organic search traffic they need to convert browsers into ad clickers and their social traffic sure as hell won’t click the ads. So they end up with a crappy CTR and get Smart Priced. The few clicks they do get, Adsense pays out a few cents here and there. Then the Social bloggers will proclaim to the masses about how Adsense doesn’t work any longer!
Adsense Can Be a Steady Income Producer For Blogs and Websites That Pull In Organic Traffic
This is the real secret to Adsense and how to make it pay the most for every click. If you have a blog or website that ranks well for a number of keywords and your pages are optimized to bring in targeted search traffic, you’ll do well with Adsense.
Your blog doesn’t have to be a custom made Wordpress blog nor does it have to be fancy. In fact, you can start with one of these Adsense optimized themes. It does have to be SEO optimized with lots of backlinks to rank well for your keywords.
Forget about the Social traffic and getting your post Dugg and Stumbled. Sure, it’s nice to see all that traffic, but why bother when you know it’s not going to convert plus it’s going to ruin your CTR. And to top it off, it will get you Smart Priced with Google Adsense.
Go after the money. And in this case, the money is in ranking well for your keywords and driving crowds of targeted organic search traffic to your blog or website.
Your blog or website should cover one subject, such as ‘debt relief’. Don’t try to make a blog or website cover everything under the sun. Each page of your website should have an article or post covering one keyword.
For example, if you had a blog over the main keyword of ‘debt relief’, then you’d probably want your interior pages targeting keywords such as ‘bankruptcy’, ‘debt consolidation’, ‘how to pay off your bills early’ or ‘debt consolidation loans’.
While you’re at it, make sure your blog or website is optimized for Adsense. Don’t cover every page in Adsense ads. The top paying ad block is normally a 350 block at the top. You might also want a Tower block in the sidebar, but that’s where I’d stop.
In the past, I put those little Adsense link blocks on my sites, but have always done poorly with them. I’d rather someone click on one of the Adsense ads in the body so I’ll make more money per click. That’s why I’ve started putting only two Adsense ads on my content sites. More ads normally dilute your per click payout.
To wrap this up, if you want to make money with Adsense, forget about those cool social blogs, go with a keyword targeted blog or website. SEO optimize it, build backlinks to make it rank well for your chosen keywords and then sit back and watch the Adsense money roll in. You can still monetize a blog with AdSense, you just have to go about it wisely.
For many new bloggers, they invision having a custom made blog theme all decked out with the latest colors and graphics with the coolest plugins and a RSS subscriber base numbering in the 5 digits. Many also imagine raking in thousands of dollars per month by monetizing a blog with Adsense.
These illusions are quickly shattered when they see their Adsense accounts with .05 and .20 cents per click and a CTR of 1%. It doesn’t take the newbie blogger long to realize that their dream of living of off Adsense income isn’t a reality.
Is Adsense Still a Good Choice For Monetizing Blogs?
The quick and easy answer is Yes and No. In order for Adsense to be a viable option to monetize a blog, you need large amounts of traffic. And not any old traffic will work!
Many bloggers love to talk about Social Media and they spend a good amount of time writing articles and submitting them to the popular Social Networks like Digg and StumbleUpon in order to bring the masses of Social Networkers to their site. While this may increase traffic to a blog, it rarely translates into clicks on their Adsense ads.
Why Social Traffic Isn’t Good For Adsense
If you’re one of these bloggers who’s chasing traffic from Social sites and still wondering why your Adsense account is empty, listen up, I’m fixing to let you in on a little secret.
Social traffic doesn’t convert for squat. Of course, you already knew that didn’t you!
Because people who use the Social networks are pretty ‘Net savvy and they don’t click ads. They read blogs more for entertainment purposes than they do for the informational value. Sure, they may read a post about whether or not Adsense is still a good choice for monetizing blogs, but if there’s an Ad block on how to monetize a blog with Adsense next to the post, they aren’t likely to click on it.
Another reason Adsense is a poor choice for Social blogs is because the Click Through Rate (CTR) will be in the dumps. This will cause your Adsense ads to be Smart Priced.
This is how it works. Google Adsense works of off the principle that a targeted Internet searcher is more valuable to the advertisers than a browser just clicking around the Internet.
So when your Social Network browser comes to your site, Google does not consider this a targeted user. If the advertiser is paying $2 per click, and a Social Network user comes to your Social blog about making money on the Internet and actually does click on a Adsense ad, you’ll receive a lower per click price than if that user had went to Google and typed in “how to make money online” and came to your blog and clicked an Adsense ad about ‘how to make money online’. Google considers this targeted traffic and will pay you the most for this type of Internet users.
Why Organic Traffic Pays Off With Adsense
Stop and think about this one for a minute. When an Internet user is searching for some knowledge, they want it and they want it yesterday! Many of us will not stop searching the Internet until we find the useful information we need. We’ll click on this or that, we’re frantic searchers and we need that information!
Let’s say you’re bills are piling up because gas is at $4 a gallon and food prices are skyrocketing. You need some debt relief. So you go on over to Google and type in ‘debt relief’. You then click on the first result that promises you quick and painless debt relief. After you browse the site for a few minutes, you realize this site can not answer your questions and you’ll have to go elsewhere. There’s an Adsense ad block to the upper left with an add about instant debt relief. Hmmm, that’s just what you need right now, instant debt relief.
What do you do?
Click the Adsense ad promising instant debt relief or hit the back button a half dozen times to get back to the Google SERPS page?
Yeah, me too. I’ll hit the Adsense link every time if it will lead me to what I’m looking for.
And you know what?
The Webmaster or blog owner gets the maximum payout for your click because you found his site by searching for the term ‘debt relief’.
If I had gone to his site looking for ‘Ways To Make Money Online”and then clicked the same ad, chances are good he would not have received the maximum payout for that click. That’s why you’ll see some of your Adsense ads paying out .20 cents for one click and the next it gives you $2. It’s all about how the Internet user got to your site.
So What Type Of Blogs Are Best For Adsense?
It’s not really what type of blog is best for Adsense, the question should be “What type of traffic is best for Adsense?”
And that question is an easy one to answer. It’s organic search traffic. Plain and simple.
Now having said that, you’ll see that many of the so called Social media blogs do not rank well for anything of value.
Ever see John Chow or some of the other popular social bloggers rank in the top 10 for terms like “how to make money with Adsense?”No, you don’t. That’s one of the biggest reasons you don’t see Adsense on their sites. They can’t bring in the organic search traffic they need to convert browsers into ad clickers and their social traffic sure as hell won’t click the ads. So they end up with a crappy CTR and get Smart Priced. The few clicks they do get, Adsense pays out a few cents here and there. Then the Social bloggers will proclaim to the masses about how Adsense doesn’t work any longer!
Adsense Can Be a Steady Income Producer For Blogs and Websites That Pull In Organic Traffic
This is the real secret to Adsense and how to make it pay the most for every click. If you have a blog or website that ranks well for a number of keywords and your pages are optimized to bring in targeted search traffic, you’ll do well with Adsense.
Your blog doesn’t have to be a custom made Wordpress blog nor does it have to be fancy. In fact, you can start with one of these Adsense optimized themes. It does have to be SEO optimized with lots of backlinks to rank well for your keywords.
Forget about the Social traffic and getting your post Dugg and Stumbled. Sure, it’s nice to see all that traffic, but why bother when you know it’s not going to convert plus it’s going to ruin your CTR. And to top it off, it will get you Smart Priced with Google Adsense.
Go after the money. And in this case, the money is in ranking well for your keywords and driving crowds of targeted organic search traffic to your blog or website.
Your blog or website should cover one subject, such as ‘debt relief’. Don’t try to make a blog or website cover everything under the sun. Each page of your website should have an article or post covering one keyword.
For example, if you had a blog over the main keyword of ‘debt relief’, then you’d probably want your interior pages targeting keywords such as ‘bankruptcy’, ‘debt consolidation’, ‘how to pay off your bills early’ or ‘debt consolidation loans’.
While you’re at it, make sure your blog or website is optimized for Adsense. Don’t cover every page in Adsense ads. The top paying ad block is normally a 350 block at the top. You might also want a Tower block in the sidebar, but that’s where I’d stop.
In the past, I put those little Adsense link blocks on my sites, but have always done poorly with them. I’d rather someone click on one of the Adsense ads in the body so I’ll make more money per click. That’s why I’ve started putting only two Adsense ads on my content sites. More ads normally dilute your per click payout.
To wrap this up, if you want to make money with Adsense, forget about those cool social blogs, go with a keyword targeted blog or website. SEO optimize it, build backlinks to make it rank well for your chosen keywords and then sit back and watch the Adsense money roll in. You can still monetize a blog with AdSense, you just have to go about it wisely.
Download Free Office 2010 RTM Product Guides :
Microsoft released Office 2010 to manufacturing on April 15th, and is already allowing MSDN and TechNet subscribers to grab the RTM bits. At the same time, the Redmond company made available for download an extensive collection of resources, designed to help customers get an insight into all the components of the productivity suite. The Office 2010 product guides are currently available at no charge via the Microsoft Download Center. According to Microsoft, the guides “provide an overview of what’s new in your favorite Microsoft Office programs and a deeper look at benefits across all Office 2010 programs, as well as Office Web Apps and Office Mobile 2010.”
There are no less than 12 guides available for download in both .PDF and .XPS formats, focusing on such Office 2010 components as Access, Excel, InfoPath, Office Mobile, Office Web Apps, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, SharePoint, Word and also the entire suite. MSDN and TechNet subscribers can already download the RTM development milestone of Office 2010, and turn to the guides in order to get additional information on the product.
“Whether you are a Microsoft Office user or you’re evaluating Office 2010 for your business, the product guides are a great place to start. Explore the Office 2010 product guides for an overview of what’s new and improved in your favorite Microsoft Office programs or for a deeper look at benefits across all Office 2010 programs. Each guide provides an at-a-glance overview, a closer look at many new and improved features, and instructions to help you find the features you want quickly and easily. You’ll also find additional information and resources in some of the guides for power users, IT pros, and developers,” the Redmond company stated.
Office 2010 General Availability is slated for June 2010, although the software giant has yet to provide a specific deadline. Ahead of hitting store shelves, the successor of Office 2007 will be offered to the company’s Volume Licensed customers with Software Assurance on April 27, and to business users in May.
Courtesy of Microsoft
Microsoft released Office 2010 to manufacturing on April 15th, and is already allowing MSDN and TechNet subscribers to grab the RTM bits. At the same time, the Redmond company made available for download an extensive collection of resources, designed to help customers get an insight into all the components of the productivity suite. The Office 2010 product guides are currently available at no charge via the Microsoft Download Center. According to Microsoft, the guides “provide an overview of what’s new in your favorite Microsoft Office programs and a deeper look at benefits across all Office 2010 programs, as well as Office Web Apps and Office Mobile 2010.”
There are no less than 12 guides available for download in both .PDF and .XPS formats, focusing on such Office 2010 components as Access, Excel, InfoPath, Office Mobile, Office Web Apps, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, SharePoint, Word and also the entire suite. MSDN and TechNet subscribers can already download the RTM development milestone of Office 2010, and turn to the guides in order to get additional information on the product.
“Whether you are a Microsoft Office user or you’re evaluating Office 2010 for your business, the product guides are a great place to start. Explore the Office 2010 product guides for an overview of what’s new and improved in your favorite Microsoft Office programs or for a deeper look at benefits across all Office 2010 programs. Each guide provides an at-a-glance overview, a closer look at many new and improved features, and instructions to help you find the features you want quickly and easily. You’ll also find additional information and resources in some of the guides for power users, IT pros, and developers,” the Redmond company stated.
Office 2010 General Availability is slated for June 2010, although the software giant has yet to provide a specific deadline. Ahead of hitting store shelves, the successor of Office 2007 will be offered to the company’s Volume Licensed customers with Software Assurance on April 27, and to business users in May.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Download Free Office 2010 RTM Product Guides
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New Firefox 4.0 GUI Facelift Elements Revealed :
Mozilla is pushing on with the redesign process of Firefox’s graphical user interface. Early adopters that have followed closely the evolution of Firefox 4.0’s facelift will be able to tell that the New Theme project page now features extended timeline after a recent update. At the same time, Firefox 4.0 developer Stephen Horlander has revealed additional elements that are an integral part of the Firefox 4.0 facelift. Users will be able to access screenshots depicting Mozilla’s plans for the evolution of the UI of the next major version of Firefox via the images included at the bottom of this article.
“The new theme for Firefox will modernize the web browser interface, reflecting the power, simplicity and customizability of the world's most popular browser. Ensuring that the application feels like a natural part of the user's desktop, web life, and task flow are key goals,” Mozilla reveals on the New Theme page for Firefox 4.0.
However, as testers running the early Alpha development milestones of Firefox 3.7/ Mozilla Developer Preview 1.9.3 have been able to notice, changes are already being integrated into Minefield releases. The screenshot illustrating Windows Theme Progress is taken from a Firefox 3.7 Alpha build.
But there is additional work that went into the UI overhaul for Firefox 4.0. “Panel Styles - I did some work on styling panels(specifically notifications) on various platforms,” Horlander explained. “Everyone on the UX team liked the Glass Border approach. It is consistent with Windows 7 taskbar panels (with the addition of the half-diamond) and feels lighter. I also did some work on how this could look for panels outside of notifications.”
As users can see from the screenshots, Mozilla is embracing both Windows 7’s Aero Glass and the Ribbon/Fluent GUI specific for the platform’s default apps such as Paint and WordPad. Firefox 4.0 will also feature an “edit tray” that will become visible as users deal with text.
Firefox 3.6.4 Beta is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6 Lorentz Beta (3.6.3 Plugin 1 / v3.6.4) for Windows is available for download here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Windows is available here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Mac OS X is available here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Linux is available here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Windows is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Mac OS X is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Linux is available for download here.
Mozilla is pushing on with the redesign process of Firefox’s graphical user interface. Early adopters that have followed closely the evolution of Firefox 4.0’s facelift will be able to tell that the New Theme project page now features extended timeline after a recent update. At the same time, Firefox 4.0 developer Stephen Horlander has revealed additional elements that are an integral part of the Firefox 4.0 facelift. Users will be able to access screenshots depicting Mozilla’s plans for the evolution of the UI of the next major version of Firefox via the images included at the bottom of this article.
“The new theme for Firefox will modernize the web browser interface, reflecting the power, simplicity and customizability of the world's most popular browser. Ensuring that the application feels like a natural part of the user's desktop, web life, and task flow are key goals,” Mozilla reveals on the New Theme page for Firefox 4.0.
However, as testers running the early Alpha development milestones of Firefox 3.7/ Mozilla Developer Preview 1.9.3 have been able to notice, changes are already being integrated into Minefield releases. The screenshot illustrating Windows Theme Progress is taken from a Firefox 3.7 Alpha build.
But there is additional work that went into the UI overhaul for Firefox 4.0. “Panel Styles - I did some work on styling panels(specifically notifications) on various platforms,” Horlander explained. “Everyone on the UX team liked the Glass Border approach. It is consistent with Windows 7 taskbar panels (with the addition of the half-diamond) and feels lighter. I also did some work on how this could look for panels outside of notifications.”
As users can see from the screenshots, Mozilla is embracing both Windows 7’s Aero Glass and the Ribbon/Fluent GUI specific for the platform’s default apps such as Paint and WordPad. Firefox 4.0 will also feature an “edit tray” that will become visible as users deal with text.
Firefox 3.6.4 Beta is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6 Lorentz Beta (3.6.3 Plugin 1 / v3.6.4) for Windows is available for download here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Windows is available here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Mac OS X is available here.
Firefox 3.7 Alpha 4 / Mozilla Developer Preview of Gecko 1.9.3 Alpha 4 for Linux is available here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Windows is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Mac OS X is available for download here.
Firefox 3.6.3 for Linux is available for download here.
Posted by
1:15 PM
New Firefox 4.0 GUI Facelift Elements Revealed
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